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Warm up Essentials, Vol. 1

Various Artists

KITT259-1 | 2024-04-18  
Welcome to the first edition of Kittball’s new compilation "Warm Up Essentials" with 5 exclusive tracks.

This compilation highlights a curated selection of emerging and established artists from the scene, including Panik Pop, Kugmas & OldChild, Point 85, Maex, Claudius, Monojack, and savo. The exclusive tracks showcase the diverse sounds of the house music scene. - from the driving beats of Panik Pop's "Reason" to the melodic soundscapes of savo's "Space Ship", there is something for everyone.

Tailored for any house music enthusiast, "Warm Up Essentials" is guaranteed to kickstart any open-air set in a spectacular way. So, lace up your dancing shoes and prepare to immerse yourself in the music.
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