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SRMR276 | 2024-05-17  
Ready Mix Records proudly presents its 276th release, a captivating journey into the realm of Ethno Organic House with the fascinating single 'Tiki Taka' by the enigmatic producer Khaaron.

At the heart of 'Tiki Taka' lies an enchanting Afro-esque vocal, weaving its way through lush layers of indigenous strings and melodies.

Diving deeper into the musical landscape, 'Tiki Taka' offers an assorted range of remixes by Turu Anasi, Soire and Haris Kate, each bringing their own unique flavor to the table.

First up, Turu Anasi makes a bold debut on Ready Mix Records with an eclectic fusion of sounds and influences, showcasing his signature production style that pushes the limits of sonic innovation.

Next, Soire steps into the mix, delivering a groove-laden interpretation that is bound to get bodies moving and pulses racing. With its infectious rhythm and irresistible energy, Soire's remix is sure to become a favourite among dancers.

Finally, Haris Kate who takes a more introspective approach, slowing things down and infusing the track with additional Ethno elements that transport the listener to distant lands and ancient rituals.


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